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The student news site of Benet Academy

Benet Herald

The student news site of Benet Academy

Benet Herald

The student news site of Benet Academy

Benet Herald

Liam Hruby

Liam Hruby, Staff Writer

My name is Liam Hruby, and I am a current freshman at Benet. I attended All Saints in Naperville before attending Benet, and I am very excited for the next four years here. I am on the cross country team, and hope to join track for the winter and spring seasons. I am currently a writer for the Benet Herald, am part of the Human Rights Club and the Red Cross Club, and hope to join a faith group at Benet as well. In my free time, I enjoy researching my family ancestry on and learning about American history, specifically the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and both World Wars One and Two. I also really enjoy traveling around the United States, and I hope to travel abroad in the near future.  The best part about the Benet Herald is that I am able to learn more about journalism and writing in an environment that supports and helps writers be the best version of themselves. I am also excited that I have the opportunity to be part of this organization for four years and work on my writing and editing skills.

All content by Liam Hruby