Liam Hruby, Staff Writer
My name is Liam Hruby, and I am a current freshman at Benet. I attended All Saints in Naperville before attending Benet, and I am very excited for the next four years here. I am on the cross country team, and hope to join track for the winter and spring seasons. I am currently a writer for the Benet Herald, am part of the Human Rights Club and the Red Cross Club, and hope to join a faith group at Benet as well. In my free time, I enjoy researching my family ancestry on and learning about American history, specifically the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and both World Wars One and Two. I also really enjoy traveling around the United States, and I hope to travel abroad in the near future. The best part about the Benet Herald is that I am able to learn more about journalism and writing in an environment that supports and helps writers be the best version of themselves. I am also excited that I have the opportunity to be part of this organization for four years and work on my writing and editing skills.