This 2023-2024 school year, Benet Academy welcomes a new teacher to the English Department. Mrs. Schwichtenberg is a former Benet Redwing herself, and a graduate of Butler University. In her interview, Mrs. Schwichtenberg explains her journey to where she is today, “Even as a little kid, I wanted to be a teacher. In college, I wasn’t very open to the idea, and I even worked in finance for a bit before deciding that teaching was right for me.”
In school, English was her favorite subject. She loved all of her English teachers at Benet and accredits their passion for the subject as a factor in her decision to become a teacher. English is a subject near and dear to Mrs. Schwichtenberg’s heart, and she loves reading and writing. Her favorite book is Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. She explains why, saying, “I actually read the book at Benet, and it was the first book that I was fascinated with cover to cover.”
Her favorite part about Benet is the students. She says that it is “a special student body”, and that as a teacher she can see that very clearly. When asked what advice she would give to prospective teachers, she responded that they should “definitely follow [their] dreams because it’s rewarding in many ways that other jobs just aren’t.”
Outside of school, Mrs. Schwichtenberg has many hobbies including mud running, triathlons, reading, writing, and baking. As a student at Benet, she also participated in tennis, lacrosse, choir, and French club. In college, Mrs. Schwitzenberg was a part of the sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma. Her advice to the current students of Benet Academy is to utilize the help from teachers and to make many memories.