SEASPAR Guests Come to Benet Academy for the Boo Bash



Benet Academy students and SEASPAR guests danced the night away at the annual Boo Bash.

Nothing is like being in a room full of people and dancing like you don’t care. On October 28, Benet Academy students and SEAPAR guests joined together at the annual Boo Bash for a night of dancing and fun costumes.

Student volunteers showed up around 5:30 p.m. to decorate the gym with Halloween images. Some of the decorations that were put up were colorful streamers, pumpkins, skeletons, and funky Halloween backdrops to take pictures with. Around a half hour later, over 40 guests from SEASPAR arrived for the Boo Bash. 

Everyone came dressed up in their best and most creative costumes, capturing Halloween’s spirit. Costumes of Disney characters like Minnie Mouse, Ursula, and Robin Hood, along with a very clever costume, the “chick magnet.” The energy in this gym was incredible with a live DJ and everyone was dancing like no one was watching. Mr. Perez, the Assistant Principal of Student Affairs at Benet Academy, helped to set up the dance. Mr. Perez said, “The atmosphere was great! Benet students did an outstanding job decorating the space, greeting our guests, and dancing to Halloween tunes all night.” 

After a good hour and a half of dancing the night away, it was snack time for everyone. The guests enjoyed some chocolate chip or snickerdoodle cookies, a variety of chips, and lemonade to keep up their energy for the night’s second half. The guests were non-stop all night and seemed to enjoy themselves on the dance floor. 

The dance ended around 8:30, and volunteers said goodbye to the guests. One volunteer, Tessa Grimes, a junior at Benet Academy, said, “It was such an amazing and fun experience. I would do it again and again if I could.” After the night ended, the volunteers stayed for another half hour to help clean up the gym and put away the decorations. Along with the volunteers, Mr. Perez too enjoyed the dance and how volunteers interacted with SEASPAR guests. He said, “I think it was awesome the way our students engaged with our guests from SEASPAR. Their friendly and positive attitudes highlighted our Benedictine spirit of hospitality in providing a time and space for our guests.” 

SEASPAR is always looking for volunteers for events like this. The next dance will be on Friday, November 18, from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. The theme is the 50s, so come dressed in your leather jackets and poodle skirts. If you have any questions feel free to email Mr. Perez at