Boys Basketball Season Preview

As the snow settles and the roads become icier this holiday season, the basketball court is just heating up! From the suspenseful buzzer beaters to the infamous “Silent Night” game, everyone is ecstatic for this year’s basketball season. 

Coach Gene Heidkamp could not be more thrilled with his current roster. Between the ability of the players and chemistry of the team itself, he hopes that this season is slated to be just as successful as the last. “The court is simply an extension of the classroom,” Coach Heidkamp commented when asked about the similarities that teaching and coaching shared. He added that coaches and students alike utilize traits from classroom on the court.

Regarding last season, Heidkamp stated the biggest lesson both he and his team learned was on the importance of preparation. Heidkamp says, “Be prepared for anything, at all times.” He also stated that a player’s performance could determine the length and quality of their season.

 Looking forward, Heidkamp is excited about this year as a myriad of new players take the court. He hopes to have yet another successful winning streak and can hardly wait to hear the cheers and shouts of Benet’s notoriously loud student section.