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The student news site of Benet Academy

Benet Herald

The student news site of Benet Academy

Benet Herald

The student news site of Benet Academy

Benet Herald

Siobhan Russell

Siobhan Russell, Staff Writer

Hello! My name is Siobhan Russell, and I am a sophomore at Benet. I am currently involved in the Medical Club, L.I.F.T. Board, Student Government, Marians, Benet Buddies, Red Cross Club, and the Debate Team. Outside of Benet, I babysit, tutor, play club volleyball, am a catechist at my church, volunteer in Surgical Services at Edward Hospital, and I recently started volunteering at the Naperville Area Humane Society. I am interested in medicine, astronomy, history, physics, marine biology, photography, and cinematography. A fun fact about me is that I swam competitively for 13 years, but I quit last spring. I am most excited to be able to improve my writing skills and to meet new people. I hope to be able to greatly improve my writing ability, while being able to inform the students, faculty, and parents of Benet. I hope this year at the Herald goes very well!

All content by Siobhan Russell