Olivia Rooney, Staff Writer
Hello! My name is Olivia Rooney, and I am currently a freshman at Benet. Currently, I am a member of the Benet Herald and am on the Benet tennis team. Outside of Benet, I also enjoy playing soccer, and am hoping to be on the Benet team this spring. I also enjoy hanging out with my friends and my family, as well as meeting new people and expanding my involvement with Benet through joining new clubs. So far at Benet, I enjoy going to football games and pep rallies with my friends. This year in the Benet Herald, I am most excited to write in the “Ask a Redwing” and “Sports” sections. So far, the Benet Herald is an enjoyable club that I am very devoted to being involved with throughout the year, and I am looking forward to expanding my writing skills further by getting tips and improvements from the Editors.