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The student news site of Benet Academy

Benet Herald

The student news site of Benet Academy

Benet Herald

The student news site of Benet Academy

Benet Herald

Emmett "Packey" Malloy

Emmett “Packey” Malloy, Staff Writer

Hi Everyone!! My name is Packey Malloy, and I am thrilled to be serving as an activity writer for the Benet Herald this school year. I am a current sophomore at Benet and an alumnus of St. Isaac Jogues School in Hinsdale. At Benet, I am involved in the Math Team, the Chess Team, and tennis, and have also served as a class representative in Student Government for the past two years. Outside of school, I am heavily involved in Altar Serving, and was able to volunteer at a food pantry every week last summer. Some of my interests include math, history, global studies, and finance. I enjoy playing video games, spending time with friends, and watching football, especially the Detroit Lions and the Notre Dame Fighting Irish. I look forward to writing articles for the Benet Herald so that I can keep fellow students informed about the activities and events at Benet and enrich myself in the knowledge of other motivated Benet Students. 

All content by Emmett “Packey” Malloy