Spring Play 2016: The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

The famous playwright William Shakespeare wrote in his work The Twelfth Night, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.”   Three of our best Benet Academy actors have had greatness thrust upon them as they take on the challenge of compiling thirty-seven of Shakespeare’s most noteworthy works into one two hour performance.  The Benet Academy spring play, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, encapsulates all of Shakespeare’s tragedies, comedies, and historic pieces.  One might recognize the Shakespearean classics: Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Macbeth, and Julius Caesar.

How is it possible to condense the greatness of Shakespeare’s classics into two hours with only three actors?  Brendan Blaney, Evan Lindquist, and Liam Owen have been rehearsing for the past couple of weeks to master this fast paced play.    Lindquist, a sophomore, commented, “This play has an extremely challenging pace due to the three of us changing characters and shifting plot lines approximately every two minutes.”  Even if you are not a fan of reading Shakespeare, come see the spring play!  The Complete Works of William Shakespeare is filled with intense sword fighting,  entertaining raps, and witty humor that will have you laughing well after the final curtain has closed.   Performances are May 6 through May 8 in St. Daniel hall.  Buy your tickets before they sell out to see this amazing once-in-a-lifetime Shakespearean experience!