This year, the Redwings dominated in their fall sports. The boy’s soccer team especially did a fantastic job in the postseason. Starting off the playoffs they played St. Francis. The boys knew it would be an easy game and breezed through it. They scored six goals, and only conceded one unlucky shot. The Redwings dominated possession the whole game, and if they had more luck, the game would have ended before time at 9-0.
After this game, the boys knew they had to lock in for playoffs because their upcoming competition was no joke. Last year, the soccer team lost in the sectional final to none other than Timothy Christian. It was an unlucky loss, so this year, they were hungry for revenge. The game started off with both teams going at it. The Redwings, though, couldn’t pull off a shot into the net. On the other side, the Redwings defense was playing amazingly and stopping attacks left and right. They went into extra time after 80 minutes of 0-0. The first half and second half of extra time were full of excitement, but still, no one scored. Night came, and the Redwings were still playing. They went into a penalty shootout. They won 5-4 with ease because of the wall they have in the net, Patrick Stasch. The soccer team became Regional champs.

The boys were hyped up but still saw fierce competition. The Redwings were seen as the underdogs for the next game and had to play the best Rockford team, Boylan Catholic. Benet had a hard game; they had to drive an hour and half, and play 100 minutes plus penalty shootouts. It was intense but thanks to their keeper they managed to pull out a win in penalties.
Benet boys soccer began to get their glory with their next game being the sectional finals. The boys were playing Wheaton Academy, and again, the Redwings were seen as the underdogs. This didn’t stop the soldiers on the field; they went out and destroyed the Warriors 4-1 in style.
The Redwing broke their three-year curse of losing at the sectional final. Unfortunately, the next game ended their streak. It wasn’t supposed to end the way it did, but weather conditions destroyed the redwings. The boys played at Wheaton Academy against Prairie Ridge. Before the game started, it was pouring rain. As both teams warmed up they got soaked. The field was so wet that, in some areas on the field, the ball barely rolled. The game started with both teams pumped up, but Benet wasn’t playing like their usual self. They couldn’t play due to the horrible pitch conditions. They had to play in a way they weren’t used to. Sadly, in the first half, the defense committed a foul that caused a penalty. Patrick S saved the penalty, but it was rebounded back into the net by the opponent. The Benet Redwings still had hope, and in the last minute of the first half, William Khazen got the ball and slotted it into the goal. It was a tie game at half. The boys were motivated, and it seemed like the Redwings had their mojo back. Unfortunately, in the second half, the Red Wings get dribbled and a goal is scored. The Redwings then had a chance to score due to a handball. The penalty was shot, but it went10 cm off the net and out. Out of frustration, the Redwings commit another foul, and another penalty is rewarded. Patrick makes another save, but again, the ball is rebounded. The redwings try there hardest, but couldn’t make anything of it. In sad fashion, the Redwings lost 4-1. The story is now over for the seniors, but the Juniors and underclassmen are ready to take over next year and continue the team’s legacy.