Stairway to the Future: Main Staircase Renovated

Finished Stairway to Martin Lobby

Benet is a hodgepodge of the new and old, a patchwork quilt with pieces added and removed over its century of existence. The many staircases that weave their way through the buildings are no different; each stairway has a story. The now-removed “suicide stairs” for decades presented a challenging climb for Redwings seeking to enter St. Joseph hall. The staircases of Benet hall staircase are so old that each step is curved by the many footsteps that have fallen on them over the years. This year, new steps have been constructed to bear the weight of returning Benet students. The exterior steps leading into St. Martin lobby were redone this summer, adding a modern look.

Every school has an image to maintain, whether it is how their students behave or how clean and well-maintained the outside of the school looks to a passerby. Benet’s image is that of a nice, tidy, and orderly school. In order to preserve this image as well as student safety, the administration acted to improve one of the most visible and iconic parts of the Academy, the entryway to St. Martin lobby. The old Martin steps had chips, cracks, and a missing railing – not exactly the image for which Benet is famous. A change was due, and this summer it was brought to our academy. These new steps bring new style to the architecture of Benet. Every year the steps serve as the backdrop of team photos and graduation pictures.
A renovated staircase promises finer pictures and memories along with them. Not only do the stairs bring on a new look to the academy, they also ensure the safety of the numerous students who will make use of them in the coming years. The safety of its students is an utmost priority of the Benet administration. A new means of ensuring this safety was introduced in foundations that will allow the steps to be heated. Heated steps may sound crazy, but they will serve an important purpose. The threat of students slipping and falling on ice has always been a concern of administrators. The heated steps will undoubtedly serve to lessen this risk in the wintertime. The heated steps will prevent ice and snow from collecting on the staircase. This is good news for the clumsier students, like this reporter, who need a little extra help keeping their footing in place. Students are buzzing about the new staircase and are excited about the new feature. Junior Mary Kate Devine said, “Heated steps would be so cool! Now ice won’t freeze on the stairs.” The heated staircase will also help cut down the amount of salt Benet uses in the winter to melt ice or snow. If this winter is anything like the winters Illinois has experienced in the last couple of years, these heated steps will have been a wise investment.
Much takes place on the steps leading into St. Martin lobby. Many freshman will walk into Benet for the first time over these steps, teams will make memories on these steps while waiting for their buses, SG presidential candidates will campaign on this staircase in hopes of catching students walking into Benet, and many seniors will walk down these steps as they leave Benet for the last time after graduation. The outside stairs are home to important moments in the high school experiences of many. Benet’s maintenance of the steps ensures that the memories made there will continue to be made for years to come.