On Thursday, September 19th, a late start day, Benet Scholars and their parents convened for the annual Late Start Mass and Reception at Benet. Deacon Christopher celebrated a beautiful communion service in the chapel, and everyone gathered in the St. Mary Heritage Gallery afterward for discussion and fellowship. Breakfast was served, and attendees enjoyed getting to know each other better.

Mr. Perez, Assistant Principal of Student Affairs, commented that this event is considered the “official start of the year for Benet Scholars, as we believe that everything we do, we begin in prayer.” Faith and Benedictine tradition are pinnacles of the program, as the About section of the website states: “Rooted in, and worthy of, the Benedictine Tradition, we seek to engage first through our shared beliefs in the Rule of St. Benedict and live in reflection of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition and interaction with each other.”
Upcoming events for the program include both the Fall Signature Dinner and the Junior High Scholastic Bowl, a unique service opportunity scheduled for the Second Semester of 2025.

Students apply to the Benet Scholars Program after the first semester of their freshmen year and, if accepted, remain members through graduation, assuming they maintain the membership standards.