Within the thriving student community at Benet Academy lies a standout organization, the Benet Student Support Alliance (SSA). This club is dedicated to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for all students.
The SSA is primarily a peer support group, where students come together to help each other navigate the challenges of academic and personal life. SSA meets every two weeks on Wednesdays to discuss a range of topics from stress management to academic advice. A brand new edition to the club this year is that every third Wednesday of the month there will be a meeting dedicated to the Psychology and Neuroscience aspect of mental health.
The SSA builds bonds within the community through service projects, SPORT goals, discussions on fear/ anxiety, coffee house days where the club talks about filling your cup (motivation), Mental Health Awareness Week, developing skills to handle problems/ anxiety, and creating a safe space to grow together. The SSA also organizes workshops and seminars on various topics such as mental health, time management, and effective communication. These events are aimed at equipping students with the skills necessary to thrive in and outside of school.
To the student body, the Benet Student Support Alliance Club is more than just a club – it is a lifeline for students. It embodies the spirit of Benet Academy, where every student is valued, supported, and encouraged to reach their full potential.