Things I Learned after Casted Benet Academy Musical

Benet Academy

A few cast members of The Drowsy Chaperone poses for a group picture backstage.

1. Everyone is on your Side, I Promise.

I know it seems like auditions are all everyone against each other, everyone battling for the same few roles, but I promise everyone is on your side. Sure, there may be hard feelings for a little bit, but they all fade as everyone starts to see the others perform. Everyone on the same team wants to see the show go well! Having this strong support system is incredibly helpful. There is always someone to ask for advice, someone to lend makeup tips, and someone to laugh with backstage. The strong sense of family and teamwork is an awesome feeling. 


2. “No one looks dumb when they’re having fun.”

I had to borrow this quote from Amy Poehler, but it applies well. There are many quirky theater traditions, from goofy warm-up songs to legendary showtime speeches. At first, I held back as I thought others would laugh at me. I could not have been more wrong. Once I let go of that anxiety, I enjoyed laughing with everyone else. One cast member said, “The best lesson I learned in the musical was to just be myself while also realizing that what others thought about me was not as important to me as before!”


3. You can Hear the Audience from Onstage. 

Though the stage seems so far away, you can hear everything the audience says. A favorite is when an audience member loudly groaned at a joke…we all heard. That said, we can also hear your support and greatly appreciate it!


4. There is Something to Learn from Everyone. 

Whether on stage or backstage, there is something to learn from everyone! The fabulous lights and sound deck taught me how to use mic tape and solve last-minute problems. Working backstage taught me how to use a table saw or properly clean paintbrushes. Being onstage taught me confidence as a performer and how to make my own character. Just being around such talented people, I also picked up little strategies. For example, Abby Eagan showed me how to tap out music against my collarbone, a singing strategy I had never heard of! Mr. Wand says that the week before tech week could be called “master class week” because you learn so much about the fine arts industry, and that couldn’t be more right!


5. Problem Solving is the Most Important Skill You can have. 

Doing anything live comes with its fair share of mishaps, and “Drowsy” was no exception. Regardless of the months of tedious practicing, there were mistakes the day of. In my case, I somehow ripped a zipper off mere moments before going onstage. Eventually, I realized that no show would go perfectly, which made it all the more entertaining. Though the show ended up being beautiful every night, that was all due to the ability to work under pressure displayed by everyone involved. This can all be attributed to the wonderful assistant directors constantly sprinting, searching, and shushing to ensure the show looked flawless. Assistant Director Rebekah Huie said it best, “Things happen, so sometimes you just need to laugh it off and get back to what needs to happen.”