The Fall Choral Concert

Jordan Marshall

Choir director, Mr. Wand, honors some choir students for their achievements so far within the school year.

The Benet Academy choir performed in the annual Fall Choral Concert on October 18 and 19, featuring performances from various groups based on grade level. The excitement of the first concert was evident among the choirs. Junior Doug Knapp, a Madrigals and Concert Chorale member, said, “Having my first concert as a Madrigal was so much fun, and I’m so excited for the future concerts and all the new music that comes with it.”

The concerts included music from various cultures and languages, like Swahili, Latin, and Spanish. Not only were the cultures behind the songs diverse, but so were the ways they were performed. While most of the songs were accompanied by students on piano, all of the Madrigals’ performances were a cappella based on rich harmonies. In the Sophomore choir’s performance of “Yesu Ni Wangu,” a song in Swahili, various percussion instruments, including the bongos, tambourines, and congas, gave students a chance to try something new. The opportunity to experiment with percussion instruments was significant to some students. Sophomore Kiki Sobkowiak said, “I’ve never played an instrument, and playing on one stage was so fun.”  

In addition to the four choir groups’ performances, there was also a special performance of “In the Beginning,” the closing number to “Children of Eden,” the Broadway In Chicago musical in which some Benet Academy students participated. This served as an opportunity for the students that performed in Chicago the weekend before to share their talent and hard work with other choirs and their families. Additionally, three songs performed were ILMEA (Illinois Music Education Association) nominated songs, which provided a chance to recognize the 12 individuals selected for the district choir this year.

Benet Academy’s choir has been up to extraordinary activities thus far and has much more in store, including three more concerts throughout the year. The Benet Academy music department has participated in and had much success with various performances, providing the students with various unique opportunities to explore new cultures and styles of performing. From trying new instruments, working with new languages, and being exposed to new performing styles, Benet Academy students have been able to partake in activities they enjoy.

Congratulations to students Alyssa Chow (Soprano I), Erin Crowe (Soprano I), Dee Pace (Soprano I), Bella McKendall (Soprano II), Natalyse Luciano (Alto I), Lily Joy Santos (Alto I), Abby Eagan (Alto II), Ford McDonnell (Tenor I), Jackson Wand (Tenor I), Kyle Spiegel (Tenor II), Colby Masterson (Bass I), and Doug Knapp (Bass II) on advancing to the ILMEA district festival.