Benet Academy’s First Open House of the Year
Benet Academy’s Open House also included a club fair, half of which took place in the Alumni Gym.
On October 23, Benet Academy held its first Open House of the 2022-2023 academic school year for families and their prospective students to learn what Benet Academy has to offer. The event ran for about two hours and included a formal presentation in Saint Daniel’s Hall Auditorium along with representatives from most clubs and athletic teams in Saint Ronald’s Gym and Alumni Gym.
Although Benet Academy hosted an Open House last year, this one is different. Mr. Grigas, Director of Admissions, said, “This year is much more choose your adventure. The idea is that people show up and experience what they like as compared to last year, which was more scheduled and had a guided tour.”
However, one part of the event kept the same was the presentation in Saint Daniel’s Hall Auditorium. Each presentation lasted about 15 minutes with each speaker talking for about two minutes. The speakers included Mr. Grigas and some of his colleagues, who provided better insight into the school. One of the counselors, Mrs. Eckert, gave a brief overview of the counseling department. Also in attendance were Dr. Friei, Assistant Principal of Curriculum, Mr. Perez, Assistant Principal of Student Affairs, and Mrs. Renicker, Director of Financial Services, who spoke more on the administrative side of Benet Academy. Some others who also spoke were Mr. Wand, who directs the choir and the spring musical, gave more information about what Benet Academy’s music department offers, and Mr. Lawler, who talked about the wide variety of athletic programs. After the presentation, speakers went into the lobby, where audience members asked questions or had a conversation. One of the Benet Academy faculty who talked to families was Mrs. Peceniak, Manager of Admissions and Recruitment, who said, “I love it, and it went super well because [families] were able to ask in-depth questions.”
Across the school, in Saint Ronald’s Gym and Alumni Gym, representatives from clubs and athletic teams were also present for parents and prospective students to learn more about Benet Academy’s vast opportunities. One club attending the event was Human Rights Club, represented by sophomore Owen Saka. Like many clubs, he passed out candy brought from home and wrote down the names of prospective 8th grade students who wanted to join their club next year. Saka said, “I really enjoyed getting to meet potential new students and running a club.” Also, one family who attended the event was alumni Lynn Lach with her son Aidan. Lynn, who graduated in 1997 and went on to attend the University of Notre Dame, felt Benet Academy provided her with an excellent education and prepared her for the real world. Lynn said, “The reasons we are looking at Benet are the excellent and competitive academics along with the strong sense of community.” Although Benet Academy does have strong academics, Aidan recognized they had clubs suiting his interests. He mentioned he felt most interested in playing soccer if he were to attend Benet Academy.
“I felt the Open House was a success.” Mr. Grigas said, “[Families] were able to have conversations with people they wanted to and explore the school.” Besides the Open House, there are more opportunities for prospective students to get involved, like Step-Up Days and the newly brought back Shadow Program. However, the next Open House will take place again, hoping that even more families and prospective students will attend.