Concert Chorale Sings as One
Diana McGrath ’21
On Wednesday, October 14th, the junior and senior members of the Concert Chorale had their first rehearsal of the year where A-K Chorale members and L-Z Chorale members were able to sing with each other in person. The rehearsal took place around the steps of St. Daniel’s Hall. Students were assigned a blue dot (that had been spray painted on the grass) to stand on as their position in the choir, and each dot was 6 feet away from the next, ensuring proper social distancing. The choir also used face shields in addition to masks when rehearsing to stay safe while singing together.
Before rehearsal started, members of the L-Z and A-K sections were finally able to see each other and chat for a few moments. Mr. Wand, the director of the Concert Chorale, soon called everyone to stand on a blue dot. After reviewing the schedule for the day, each voice section dispersed into their sectionals. A sectional includes the members of a specific voice section so that they are able to learn and review their parts. The sectionals rotated every few minutes and the locations consisted of the multipurpose rooms, the orchestra room, the stage, and outdoors.
After rehearsing outside, the choir stood on their blue dots outside to perform the pieces they had been working on together for the first time as a complete ensemble. The students sang three pieces they had been preparing: He Watching Over Israel, Hold Me Rock Me, and Ton Thé. The first piece was also an audition piece for the ILMEA festival this year, so students who auditioned prepared on their own with the help of their choir. Hold Me Rock Me is a spiritual acapella piece, and Ton Thé is a fast-paced French tongue twister. Rehearsal accompanist and
Soprano 1, Clare Gardiner (‘21), said that “it was so great to be able to sing together again! Hearing everyone after such a long time was so special.”
This rehearsal was hopefully going to be recorded, but unfortunately the wind completely drowned out the Chorale in the recording process. Although the choir did not get the opportunity to document their hard work, as Mr. Wand tells them, “Any day we get to sing together is a good day.” The choir has started working on Christmas pieces and hopes to have another chance to record in the winter.