Homecoming is the Word!
Not only is Grease the word, Homecoming is the word! With autumn and the football season well underway, the last week of September brought festivities of homecoming week. The homecoming theme was Grease, and the week started on Sunday as student government decorated the halls with all things Danny and Sandy! Shortly after, the drive-in movie rolled in the small gym with the Mothers’ Club generously serving candy, popcorn, and even delicious s’mores. Despite the rain, students packed into the alumni gym for a night of fun with friends.
The school day was off to a sweet start on Monday with some munchkins available for students as they walked into school bright and early. In addition, students were able to participate in a spirit day on Monday to show their Benet pride–red and white spirit wear was seen all through the music-filled hallways during passing periods. The annual Big Sister Little Sister dinner also took place that night. A long-standing tradition, senior and freshman girls gathered at the Abbington for a night of dinner and friendship. The dinner also included a talent show full of singing, piano playing, and dancing. Seniors Jannette Kaszlauskas and Julia Ragus helped start the dinner with a prayer and a speech for all of the guests.
As the week went on, there was a dodgeball tournament during homeroom and ice cream was available on Thursday after school. To end the school week, the annual slop day and pep rally occurred on Friday. The Avions’ light show, a cheerleading performance, a speech from head football Coach Pat New, and the homecoming court announcements were just some of the highlights of this year’s pep rally.
Finally, on Saturday, Benet’s victory over St. Ignatius in the afternoon homecoming football game was an incredible way to conclude the week and get students excited for the dance that night. Only a few hours later, students were all dressed up for dancing, pictures, and memories. It is safe to say that this week was a success, and senior and student government president, Edmon Bickelhaupt said the following about the action-packed week: “For our first big event of the school year, I think it was a hit! I am so proud of our committees (spirit, special, publicity, and dance) for helping us pull everything together, especially the pep rally. The Avions’ light show was the best yet, too! I heard so much positive feedback about the dance on Saturday, and I think things are looking extremely positive for the upcoming events this year.” After this successful week it is clear that Benet has a lot to look forward to this year with all of the other student government events ahead.